photo of a phone taking a picture used in blog post new features added to instagram in 2018

New features added to Instagram in 2018

NEW FEATURES ADDED TO INSTAGRAM IN 2018 2018 was a big year for Instagram. It…

notebook with doodles to symbolize social media metrics

Social Media Metrics

Navigating social media metrics can be a bit of a challenge when there is so…

photo of a camera on top of a stack of books used for blog post social media trends 2019

Social Media trends for 2019

Trends are an essential part of social media and anticipating them gives you…

photo of a hand holding a phone with a photo gallery on it used for a blog post on hashtags 101

Hashtags 101

In 2007, Twitter introduced the hashtag to the world of social media and it…

laptop and hand typing representing the team of sales and marketing consulting services

Instagram secrets you should know

The world of social media is full of secrets and navigating your business…

photo of the interior of a building used for the blog post about the 3 best ways to get more followers organically on instagram

3 Best ways to get more followers organically on Instagram

Nowadays everyone has least one social media account that they use daily and…