Digitize your business with the Digital Kit Grant

If you are self-employed or have an SME, you can access a grant of up to 12,000 € to digitize your business! In Rexuniversal, as official digitalizing agents, we help you to apply for your Digital Kit and manage the whole process quickly and at no additional cost.

Contact us and we will help you to get your Digital Kit for FREE.



The Digital Kit is an initiative of the Spanish Central Government and financed by the European Next Generation Funds, designed to boost the digital transformation of businesses. With this grant, you can access solutions such as websites, e-commerce, social media management, cybersecurity and much more.


SMEs (small companies), as well as micro-SMEs and the self-employed, of all types of businesses, may apply for these grants.


Segment I: Small companies with between 10 and less than 50 workers.
Amount: €12,000.

Segment II: Small or micro companies with between 3 and less than 10 employees.
Amount: €6,000.

Segment III: Small or microenterprises with 0 to less than 3 employees and self-employed.
Amount: €3,000.

Segment IV: Medium-sized companies with between 50 and less than 100 employees.
Amount: €25,000.

Segment V: Medium-sized companies with between 100 and less than 250 employees.
Amount: €29,000.


We take care of the entire process: from the application to the implementation of digital solutions.

  • We guide you through the application for your digital voucher, so you don’t waste time on paperwork.
  • We advise you on the best solutions to achieve your goals.
  • We take care of the management and justification of the subsidy.
  • We implement digital solutions quickly and effectively.


– Be self-employed, microenterprise or small business.
– Be registered and have the minimum seniority established in the calls for proposals.
– Not be considered a company in crisis. And be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
– Not be subject to a pending recovery order following a previous decision of the European Commission declaring an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.
– Not be subject to any other of the prohibitions established in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies.
– Not to exceed the de minimis aid limit.
– Have the evaluation of the Digital Maturity Level, according to the diagnostic test available on the Acelera pyme platform.


Website and Basic Internet Presence

Price 2.000€ + VAT
Exclusive for segments I, II and III

Domain: If you do not have a domain name, one will be assigned to you for at least 12 months, with full ownership in your name.
Hosting: Includes web hosting for at least 12 months.
Web design: Includes the basic structure with a minimum of 3 sections, such as home page, presentation, contact form, etc.
Responsive web: The web will adapt to any device.
Accessibility: Complies with the accessibility criteria level AA of the WCAG-2.1 Guidelines.
Basic positioning (SEO On-Page): The web will be indexable in search engines.
Self-manageable: You will have a platform to manage and modify the content of your website.
Basic SEO: Keyword analysis and SEO On-Page optimization of 2 pages.
Multi-language: Option to have the website translated into a language other than Spanish.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < 3 employees: 2.000€.
3 < 9 employees: 2.000€.
10 < 50 employees: 2.000€.

Comercio electrónico

Up to 5.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV, V

Product catalog: At least 100 product references will be included in your online store (if you have less, it will be adjusted).
Payment methods: The Digitizing Agent will configure and integrate the payment methods in your store.
Responsive Design: Your store will be compatible with all types of devices.
Accessibility: Complies with the accessibility criteria level AA of the WCAG-2.1 Guidelines.
Basic SEO: The basic information of your business will be positioned in directories and relevant pages.
Basic SEO: Keyword analysis, 2-page On-Page SEO, indexing and content ranking, with quarterly reports.
Self-manageable: You will have a platform to manage and modify content without external help.
Product feed: A feed will be created for insertion in search engines (only for Segment IV and V).
Shipping methods: Configuration and integration of shipping methods for your online products.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: €2,000
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 2.000€.
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: €2,000
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: € 5,000
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: €5,000

Social media management

Up to 5.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV, V

Social media strategy: We will offer you a strategy aligned with your mission and vision, to connect with new customers and retain current ones.
Monitoring: You will have a periodic control of the impacts on social networks to evaluate the results and objectives.
Optimization and audit: Social channels will be optimized to improve performance.
Management of social networks: The Digitalizing Agent will manage your profile in at least one social network (two if you are Segment IV or V).
Publication of monthly posts: In segments I, II and III, between 4 and 8 monthly posts will be published; in IV and V, there will be at least 12.
Active listening: Active monitoring of your social networks (only for Segment IV and V).
Monthly audiovisual content: Creation and publication of 2 posts of audiovisual content (only for Segment IV and V).

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: 2.000€.
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: €2,500
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: € 2,500
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: € 5,000
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: €5,000

Business Intelligence and Analytics

Up to 8.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV*, V

Data integration: You will access other databases and perform comparisons with the exposed data.
Data storage: Segments I, II and III will have 1 GB of storage per user. Segments IV and V will have 5 GB per user.
Visual data dashboards: You will have customized dashboards and different ways to visualize relevant data.
Data export: You will be able to export data to images or Excel documents, guaranteeing compatibility with other programs you use regularly.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: 1.500€ (including 1 user)
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 2.000€ (including 1 user)
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: 4.000€ (including 3 users)
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: 7.000€ (includes 10 users)
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: 8.000€ (includes 15 users)

Process management

Up to 18.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV*, V

Digitization and/or automation of processes: You will be able to digitize and automate key processes such as accounting, invoicing, project control, inventory management, purchasing, payments, human resources and logistics, improving efficiency in all of them.
Horizontal/vertical solution: Horizontal solutions cover several processes, and vertical solutions focus on a single one within the value chain.
Integration: The solution will have APIs or Web Services to integrate with other tools.
Upgradable and scalable: You will have access to updates and the solution will adapt to structural changes in the company.
Regulatory compliance: Ensures compliance with regulations, such as the Invoicing Regulation of Royal Decree 1619/2012.
Individual modules: You can add modules that support a specific sub-process, without altering the main functionality or generating improvements or updates.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: 2.000€ (including 1 user)
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 3.000€ (including 3 users)
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: 6.000€ (includes 10 users)
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: 15.000€ (includes 20 users)
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: 18.000€ (includes 25 users)

Billing management and electronic invoicing

Up to 3.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV*, V

Structured invoices: You will be able to issue invoices in structured formats, such as FACTURA-E, for automated processing.
Unlimited invoices and customers: You will be able to issue an unlimited number of invoices to customers and create billable products or services without restrictions.
Sending and receiving electronic invoices: The option to send and receive electronic invoices will be integrated, at least by e-mail.
Invoice customization: Invoices will be customizable, including your logo.
Storage and backups: You will enjoy specific storage for invoices (1GB or more depending on the segment), with daily backups.
Integration and expiration control: You will be able to integrate the solution with other tools and control the expiration of invoices.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: 1.000€ (includes 1 user)
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 2.000€ (including 3 users)
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: 2.000€ (including 3 users)
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: 3.000€ (includes 6 users)
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: 3.000€ (includes 6 users)

Virtual Office services and tools

Up to 29.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV*, V

Team collaboration: You will receive assistance for collaborative project management, sharing resources, knowledge and tools for interaction in ideation and problem solving processes, with the configuration of workflows.
Storage and files: You will have 1 TB of storage to save and share files.
Mobile compatibility: The solution will be compatible with mobile devices.
Calendar and tasks: Organize your calendar and scheduled tasks efficiently.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: 250€/user (up to 2 users)
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 250 €/user (up to 9 users)
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: 250 €/user (up to 48 users)
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: 250€/user (up to 99 users)
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: 250€/user (up to 116 users)

Secure communications

Up to 29.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV*, V

SSL: You will have a secure encrypted connection protocol to protect your communications.
End-to-end encryption: Communications will be fully encrypted to prevent attacks.
Connection logs: You will be able to record the devices connected to your private network.
Access control: Only authorized devices will be able to access your private network.
Mobile devices: The solution will be accessible from mobile devices.
Configuration and updates: You will receive an initial configuration and periodic security updates to keep your system protected.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: 125 €/user (up to 2 users)
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 125€/user (up to 9 users)
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: 125 €/user (up to 48 users)
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: 125€/user (up to 99 users)
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: 125€/user (up to 232 users)


Up to 29.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV*, V

Antimalware: You will have a tool to scan your device and storage devices.
Antispyware: You will have a tool to detect and avoid spyware malware.
Secure Mail: You will have email scanning tools that include Antispam to filter unwanted emails and Antiphishing to detect emails that try to steal credentials.
Secure browsing: You will be protected with content control and Antiadware to avoid malicious ads.
Threat analysis and detection: You will be able to identify the behavior of known and new threats.
Network monitoring: You will receive alerts about threats detected in your network traffic.
Configuration and updates: You will enjoy initial configuration and regular security updates.
Training: You will receive training to configure the software and a cybersecurity awareness kit.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: 125€/user (up to 2 devices)
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 125 €/user (up to 9 devices)
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: 125€/user (up to 48 devices)
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: 125/user (up to 99 devices)
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: 125 €/user (up to 232 devices)

Advanced Internet Presence

Up to 5.000€ + VAT
Segments I, II, III, IV*, V
Excluded from the first call for applications

Basic internet positioning: The solution will position the basic information of your business in key sites, business networks and business directories.
Keyword analysis: You will manage and analyze keywords to improve the ranking of your content in search engines and help users find it easily.
Competitor analysis: The solution will provide a monthly analysis to know your position against competitors.
SEO On-Page: Optimization of at least two pages or sections to improve your search engine ranking, indexing and content hierarchy.
SEO Off-Page: Actions outside your website to improve your organic positioning.
Structured Metadata: Creation of structured metadata to improve your online presence (Exclusive for segments IV and V).
Monthly reports: Monthly reports on the results and evolution of the executed actions.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < X < 3 employees: €2,000
3 ≤ X < 10 employees: 2.000€.
10 ≤ X < 50 employees: €2,000
50* ≤ X < 100 employees: € 5,000
100 ≤ X < 250 employees: €5,000


Price 2.000€ + VAT

Excluded from the first call for applications
Exclusive for segments I, II and III

Preliminary study of alternatives and registration on the platform: The solution includes the opening of an account and registration of your profile in at least one Marketplace platform in a country.
Competitor analysis: Market research to improve decision making and achieve a competitive position.
Design and definition of the business strategy: Creation of a strategy oriented to achieve the desired objectives, using the available resources.
Production of the reference catalog: Selection of at least ten products aligned with the business strategy, if possible.
Listing content creation: Definition of at least ten reference catalog descriptions, if possible.
Reference upload: Uploading of at least ten references, with individual descriptions and photos to the platform.
*Note: The cost of the support does not include subscription or registration on the Marketplace platform nor the costs associated with the sale.

Maximum amount of aid
0 < 3 employees: 2.000€.
3 < 9 employees: 2.000€.
10 < 50 employees: 2.000€.

*Segment IV includes companies with less than 50 employees that are considered medium-sized companies with an annual turnover and annual balance sheet total of more than 10 million euros.

Are you ready to take the next step towards digitization?

Request your Digital Kit today and get access to all these technological solutions. We take care of everything so you can grow your business.

Request your Digital Kit